Anika Boelhouwer

Human Machine Interaction

Human Factors and Engineering Psychology


Serious Gaming

Anika Boelhouwer

Human Machine Interaction

Human Factors and Engineering Psychology


Serious Gaming

Gaming controller for student with quadraplegia (Bachelor project)

  • Project host: Saxion University of Applied Sciences
See Demo

For an elective project during my bachelor education, I developed an adapted controller for a student with quadraplegia.
The goal of this student was to be able to play the game Team Fortress again with his friends as he was no longer able to do so.
After many open discussions with the student on his wants, needs and goals we developed several prototypes and evaluated these with the student.
Finally, we combined an Oculus Rift and adapted controller with large buttons which he could set-up himself without help, which was an important requirement.


  • Semi-structured interviews
  • Rapid prototyping
  • Product and user experience evaluation